Ten to the power of 250 million.

Listen to the sweet deep smell of you,skinned through my windowgrey cacophany of in flight entertainmentlast longings of sun bronzed seekersforty thousand feet above us,mind configures stark landscapeswhere toned Gods patrol outer limitsharangued by paper dragons.Hunger spans newspaper headlinestime speeds up beyond relativitymathematical impossibilities deny evolutionten to the power of two hundred and fifty millionmay mean there is a meaning.You sleep cocoon’d in African logicbuttoned down for inevitabilitythe catcher has brought no dream variations ,amethyst dulled by an English morning,Californian fingers woven into the threada distant voice is remembered in the sharing.Youth aches to fasten it’s claws to my shouldertattoo’s a beat to seduce bloodblindly demands acceptanceleaves magenta stains on the whiteness of the nightas I turn to watch dawn gyratewith it’s Alpha tones.
