Crazy love

When the light comes init burns with cadent iridescence and the sky blusheswhen the bubbles burstthey kiss the crowded streets with rainbows,when you touch meskin smoulders seasoned woodsmokeand when you call my name,gypsies sing.I’m naked in millennium’s last springshedding yesterdays like moulted snake coilsand my laughter calls for crazy lovetongued through late night connectionsrounded by the certainty of wanting.When the light comes init twists the spangled night to fireflies in your eyeswhirls the sluggish river into white water thighs,when you hold me there’s nothing but conclusionbranded hot metal heartbeat singing possession,salt licked aching crevices crave another diveand we’re talking crazy lovestretching every second of our borrowed livesuntil that blinding moment when there is no “I”and the light comes in.
