Beyond the beyond
Sky is God’shandsweepacross a paletteof dark galaxiesexpanding to oneedge.We could fillthe sky, with kites,with words,with the fireour hearts erupt into.Each meeting a hopefor life, for learning,I burrow into the softnessof your skin, like a wormalive in your darkness.You call me lover,you ask me to be mother,myriad fantasiespass back and forthbetween us.Today this sky acurve of blue beginnings.I take train journeys,plane journeys, I journeyto find meaning.Here heaven is infiltratedpeople have thrown awaysimplicity. Coupling in the nightwe pretend to have foundeach other ,but wear too many faces.Our love is coloured lights,our anger curved scimitarmy mind freezes this.From my windowflowers hang like earrings.