Prose moment
Hands are being held in the corner of the city,summer waterfalls, ,will be supple like willow branchbent to net a dream catcher.We caught each other with dexterityintensity bristling the room static,fallout of past embraces.I never believed in a Godtill I met you scuba diving through my sitting roomnot knowing the way to the door.On auto pilot in restaurants across tables.I’ve nothing to say to you,you’ve moved into the background of a dream,I’ve nothing to give to you ,I hold the key to you,you hold the key for me.Across light years of childhood,thunderstruck in the cupboard of fear,watching your fear is liberating.I never knew there was anyone out therewho knew about terror like I do,who knew about powerlessness like I do.I can feel my life floating into bird songunravelling into intricate connectionswhere all I have to do is watch the dawn,listen to the sound of stars falling.