Fantasy Phil

Fantasy Philwith your soft tongue’d dumpsand erotic whimperings,I’ve been down so many corridorsin my mind,you were in none of them.…………………………………………………………………………………………So intent on the chase you forgot who you were chasing. Mediocrity hung round your middle like the white flesh that had accumulated over the years, hit you in the face with a frying pan and you were panting from the exertion of trying to get somewhere, anywhere as long as there was freedom in the air and a hole to crawl into when the light faded. You were attached to a kiss like a moth dying on a bright light and I was kind enough to let you remember one of those nights when the blue fumed smoke had taken over. So long ago the paint has flaked from the door and swallows have made nests in the bedding. Dinner with you was a struggle to keep my clothes on, they seemed to keep sliding to the floor as you persisted in screwing life into a monochromed movie on a shrunken Rivera where the boats leaked bodily fluids.…………………………………………………………………………………………..I’ve been down so many corridorsin my mindopened doors to a differentstab at realitylived and breathed in a spacewhere time has never happened :only the nothingness of eternitypulls at my heartstrings.
