Love dust
The full moon bloomsas other moons have done,but this one comes, huge,straddling the year:the days grow shorterminute by minutewinter a hand’s span awayin October’s solace.When the full moon comesto herald the ending, whatwill I have done to exorciselove’s dust?Here the full moon comeshung between the crab andthe goat, I’ll take a piece of usinto the garden and bury;in peaty earth. an incantationat the ready, underneath the rosesI should have dead headed.Yes, I‘ll take the last piece of us:morsels of our hearts raw shredded,by passing time and other lovescaresses. It might be now we hideour eyes in shame, at passingyears and potions of forgetting,….que dieu nous pardonne……for all of loves erratic wrongswhen the full moon comes.