I miss....

I miss those normal clichéd thingstactile darkness of your skinsmile that lights your black rimmed eyeswarmth of body curled like beartight around my whiteness .Can’t have the best without the restgrim shadows of your violent pastthat load the gun of childhood fearscultures curse of class & raceit rules the white line of dividewe hide behind .Jukebox blares its blatant rap& life untangles like a ball of yarnI’m on the threshold of some dreamthat’s dreaming mesadness sweeps to runawaydown swirling gutter's possibility .I miss the part of you that made me wholeif only for some silent moment ,& words can’t catch the wonder of first promiserecognition stunning like the spring’s new sunon tight curled shoots.Every beginning holds like hidden dusta middle and sharp endinglove brands us with it’s searing rodthen leaves us gasping shallow airlike fish thrown clear from water .Each time it chimes with different rhymeshatters known illusion ,& for every love that’s made its homeengrained my tender tissuefor all the joy that I have knownI pen the small lines of this verseto say how much I miss you .
