Falling away

There’s only so much time to breatheeach shallow day a breath lostthere’s only so many miles of lovingwhere my hearts a wisp’d flower;once there was a time for decisions and revisionsbut now there’s only time for make believe.I feel a falling away in the twilightI feel a falling away from the wantingyour voice no longer echoes,my dreams are mine to spin alone,I feel a falling away in the twilightthe distance between red rimmed pleasureand the place where you’re waiting.There’s silence in the ebb and flowmy skin’s papyrus thin marked witha collage of ripped emotionbrushed into vibrant messages,you can tune in on a clear nighthear the universe laugh to itselfas we gesticulate incomprehensionlearn quantum physics from six year olds.I feel a falling away in the twilightbetween the shadows death flickerscalls with soft promises,steers the helm of unfoldmentsteals my breath away.
