Michael and the angel's kiss
There was a warright there,at the tables edgeand I wasn’t winning.I surrendered to the themesurrendered to your thrustat reality.It was a war I didn’t chooseyou’d bitten it from birthand between our bites of foodI relinquished hold.I had no idea why,just why I wanted youand you were seducedby an understandingyou hadn’t yet deduced;an insight to my corethe light that makes me wholeit was a literacy of soulsa tenderness of mindsthat spun us togetherand I relinquished holdof anything that boundwanted only then and thereto hold you to my breastand listen to the soundof our enamoured breaths.I think it is your waryou’ve bitten it from birthand I was like an outsiderwatching at a wedding.Your cruelty was curvedyou hold it as your truthand I filtered through your wordswanting only you.Now I’m lying here alonewind chimes ringing in my earreminding me of mountain passthe place I call my homeand you’re lying in her armslistening to her tearsstroking back her hairand thinking of me.