''Love me, love me not''
‘’You love me, you love me not’’an occupation for summer fields& daisy chains:when muscles are at ease here in this land of cold’ssharp hand I stare out oversleet filled roofs, walk besidethe icy sea. ‘’You love me, you love me not’’the petals fall on stony ground& do I care to perseverewith fog fuelled nights? Your promise waits atthe small white gatethat opens to the beach. Here seagulls wailthe storm moves in its comrade’s:with lightning thrusts & icy squallat 4pm the darkness moves to fling a cloakon twilight’s pearl. ‘’You love me, you love me not’’flutters down the streetwhere goblin’s snatch its wispy tail& send it spinning out to sea to drown in depthsof Neptune’s breath. There nothing lives& no one breathesor waits to take my hand. ‘’You love me, you love me not’’has simply disappeared.