Where dreams meet ...

  The afternoon has finished waiting; it’s turning off the lightfrom Tower Bridge to Sidcup, and the last glimmers catch youdark on my pillow, lost in a land of  angel’s causeways, playinghide and seek with images of the night. There’s no sunset today, only grey sleet on winter rooftops,the birds have finished singing and the wind captured a last leafto catapult it downwards.  South London bickers like a third world countrywe gather disapproving glances & out hearts pitter patter in tune with the rain. The New Year is slowly dumbing down its face & in your wild stolen placesyou play with unborn children that turn to taunt us. We are caught in the crossfire of years,the tension of different rhythms,but our blood makes the same spiral circles,&  our DNA holds hands with the future,  in imaginary spaces where dreams meet.
