Morning ride
1.Rape fields so yellow they hurt my eyesplough share and blossom spring growsday by day in the warm air. Last year’s dreamshave disappeared churned in the raw moist earthburied in the winter sleep and now they’re forgotten: echoes of memory, down a lane I didn't chose. 2.I wonder do you think of us? All the golden dustof Autumn in our eyes as we watched you crumblemetamorphose into someone new leaving me behindI sometimes hear your voice calling through sleep filled dawnarms around my body then I wake and you are gone. 3.Life is better from this high, the back of a breathinghorse we move in unison same pattern same strideglide across the landscape a visionary bird’s eyewhile the world dries beneath us, crumbles intolast year’s dreams while this year stretches its delicate hands. 4.Morning mist sea squall brown foam on the beach linesand crumbles between cold toes and the dogmakes her way to the brink of each wave, waiting:waiting to be asked to dive in swim, strong stroke againstthe tide, bringing it all back to me; without asking.