
Hung in time’s pendulumfelled between the measured chimespinned inside the gate of miraclescertainty trembles :bronze sheafed corn erect for harvest flattened by that one freak storm . Yesterday’s a bluebirdbeaked with silken scarfflies fast to erode tomorrow’s granite ,and wise men waitimmobile in that detached space:chop wood, eat fire ,drink from molten riversearch their truth in children’s eyes. Lightning strikes so calmlyblasting bolt splits knotted oaknurtured centuries in nature’s arbour,and certainty’s an islanddropped in shark infested sea,here we flounder for horizonflotsam fleshed on random wave. ‘’Now’’ leafs her girdled circletsprings from sprouted heartbeatbites the blood of old men’s breathholograms each withered hand ,pattern tunes your family voice that seals lost generations . Caught  inert in measured swinglife blossom’s her blind momentturns the stair ,reneges once more ,and certainty’s a witness,beam your hopes in fervent prayer ,chop wood ,eat fire, drink from molten river relive your truth in children’s eyes .     
