White Nights
There’s a moment in a life when children born of love and sweat, nurtured with laughter and tears, suddenly grow beyond you. What you thought you understood becomes ridiculous, and their lives are as opaque as a dream landscape where strangers roam and the way home is unknowable. Like the child of the Snow Queen my heart shatters into a hundred icicles, to melt in a pool whose name is ‘’alone’’.
I never want to love again.
Life opens in front of me like a void with no singularity point.
This is day 1 of eternity, how will it unfold?
Stuck between inside & outthere is no time of dayI walk behind your beforelisten to the tinkling of the bells. The Angel of the Moonwatches you sleepperfection is a wordminted for you. Stranger’s jostleno attention to detail:your detail is diminishedthere is no up or down I’ve turned from loveinto the deep unknown echoof you.
To look & understand is different from just looking: infinite tapestry of weft and weave adorn the casements where light filters five hundred years of brilliant gems.
A breath of long gone generations captured in recycled dust.
My hands touch Michelangelo’s balustrade, intricate perception of perfection. Everywhere the Palle:
Azalea weeps purple to grace the space of dead men.
I walk on bones & the streets whisper of blood, I turn to find stealthy footsteps stalking my dreams.
Time echoes in my step, so many years gone by & still the child in me is clothed in wonder.