God Bless America


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 I tried America,it was great while it lastedall those hot thick sauces and iced tea;there was that frank open honestythe kind that loves to lie.Lie in the sunsoaking up possibilitieslie in the afternoon through perfectwhite, white teethlie between sweated sheetstangled with love’s growthand finally lie bare faced without flinching.I love Americathey do everything bigger and bettersalads that leave you searching for an endinglove that rose pocket’s sidewalksand a suckling pig’s belief that if mom and dad did itso can the rest of humanity.I rolled my tongue across America,tight L.A. thighs that twitched with talentVietnam warriors high on jack linesclutching the barometerthe types that leave tidemarks on the bathand wear group underwear.I love Americaborn yesterday with a virgin’s desire to know pleasureslicked surfaces clutched in the darkthen swallowed without a tracemaimed headless on three continentswho died for corporate mercy;but America’s so chewing gum holyit’s only God’s spit she flies on striped incongruency, and God blesses America.
