

Your face is in my head:

I hadn’t thought of you

in years, but now I see

a mirage of your life;


a rainbow on a waterfall

the sunshine & the rain

those demons that I fought


both real & imagined.


So bright, so handsome so alive

but now you face the fire

dust to dust, molecules of light

float through space & time


to visit in my dreams:


I didn’t know

I didn’t know

the life that I let go

would return like this


to haunt me.



Your face is in my head

an image clear & true

dark eyes dark curls

your voice soft measured words,


you were a good person

who touched the core of life

your talent ran so deep

the caverns cannot hold it.


Who am I to write these words?

Who am I to mourn you?


I didn’t know

I didn’t know

the life that I let go

would return this day


to haunt me.


Victoria Mosley