Spring Equinox song


I can smell Spring

today, all grassing

green, as tulip’s sway

in misty dawn


& here we are

still planted firm

although the earth

has turned another



I can smell Spring

today, joints aching

from deep winter chill

warmth stretches


out a hand in promise:


I’ve Iris in my hair

Magnolia shouts

from every cottage



& here we are

face to face

n’ cheek to cheek

another year of

unlived mystery


Spring tide will turn

leave shattered glass

on tales of make believe,

how many lifetimes lived:


in fleeting moments

strangers kiss

I turn & turn

I genuflect


each place that

I have known

opens wide its arms

to hold me.


& here we are

still planted firm

although the earth

has turned another

silver revolution.


Victoria Mosley