

Step away from the rain cloud

say goodbye to the cold


close your eyes for yesterday

tomorrow is no more:


this moment shimmers its existence

this second holds the chord


here, none know the answer

nothing is foretold.


Wonder at the mystery

touch across the void


take each breath as new



a path you’ve never trod.


Step away from the rain cloud

say goodbye to the known


wonder at the mystery

hold hands across the void.

Victoria Mosley
Blood moon


Full  moon an orange orb

hung low in smoky night


church bells chime the hour

I dream a ghostly vista


where horses speak & sea rises



Before is as nothing.

Sand through fingers


the echo of a

once loved voice


distant now


you swim in pattern

fingers arching for hand hold


you fall into each morning

caught like falling leaves


craving warmth,

as I do.



Victoria Mosley
St Maxime


I am gone from here

a phantom of the dream:

sun chases night fear

a flicker in a passing breeze.


The hills roll on tight curled

to mountain. Blood & bone

mark territory in this polished



Hot air, sunshine: beyond the stars

a trillion firmaments of mystery

& we like children at the fairground

hurtle onwards.


Cruise liners stoke out to lip

of cupped horizon: earth drops

touches void of interstellar vacuum

inhale: exhale: pause & pause again


each mesmerizing moment

a new beginning.

Victoria Mosley