Other’s voices losetouch, other’s touchcan never say asmuch as the silencethat we hold.Peripheral universe unfoldsthe moon lies downto eclipse’s blanket,& the down of you sprouts,half animal, half mystic.We meet where & when we may,though continents divide& other’s lives jostle for attention,no one squaresthe circle of this.I hold you in my minda crucible of fire, boy -manholding back the torrents.a union unsung we’ve backedin corners long enoughsearching full thronged streetsfor some way out:finding artifice in face & thighkisses in the night,hot tongue of morning.Other’s voices losetouch other’s touchcan never say asmuch as the silencethat we hold.Now we are come to this:spun of spirit raised by dreamsa hunger for the ultimate;turn again retrieve the applefrom that long dead tree,,when I was Eve.