Recalcitrant lover .
Night lies luminescentmoon ponds her orange orblane twists beyond moor’s brown bandbody functions doggedly,but there is no me .Sweep dull dust of every daycheck for splinters, zip tight yearsthat lie between our grasp of realitymeasure the gap you offer me ,I’m in retreat .Sunlight strums her harshnessexposing marks on fading facesbeauty frail as lovers gaspcomplete in dying moment,as we pull apart.You rocked me with your open heartpoured fresh balm tostaunch dark blood,lifted me to blazing peak ,I’m no longer free.Revolving shadows flex my thoughtsyour head dark on my pillowcomfort of your body’s glowdepth of hope you’ve brought to me ,now I’m loathe to let you go .I’ve burnt with brilliant candourricochet with truth’s desiremy wit has launched a thousand shipsyet you’ve made me doubt that God exists ,but in my dreams we fly .