December 28
From Ultramarine This is your birthday, whatever happens I can’t forget that and in some sense love never changes. We have had two weddings this year, our children’s weddings, sending us right back to the beginning of it all, smile pasted to my mouth struggling to be graceful in the face of it. Stroke my cheekpause to see creationin my eyes: watch the wayyour sons they sharethe curve of you. Rising unbidden in sleep the swirling waters overtake me, outside the rain slides down the windows as another storm passes over the bay. Now she loves you and you, when you let yourself remember how you love me, and I put it all away, wrap my heart in bandages and leave the corner which was ‘’us’’ mummified for eternity. Stroke my cheekwhisper sweet words to methe ones you never did.We walk in resolutionit is a sort of ending.